Friday, November 19, 2010

Why work sucks

That chick at the water cooler - You try to change the ever frowning face of your boss by cracking an adult joke over the chick at the water cooler but she ends up being his daughter.

The scapegoat - A scapegoat whom you and your seniors taunt all day long leaves the company and you realize that you are next in the line.

Business meetings - The business meetings that you never understand anything but you still hold yourself from sleeping and get that fake smile and head nod on.

The fart - Your boss is making a presentation, the entire hall is silent and he farts, you wanna laugh so bad but you cant.

One more please - You have always wanted to have a coffee with that girl, you find her alone, call her for a coffee, some how from some where as if the entire office were hiding and waiting for an opportunity a huge group joins you and you end up being the coffee server.

Gandhi - You just wanna get a conversation going after the uncomfortable silence creeps in so you talk about war games you love and end up knowing boss in Gandhian.

Fly - Your fly had been open all day but no one tells you, there is no reason and you never understand why no one bothered to tell you, but here is the reason, I learned some days back that telling someone 'your fly is open' is considered to be rude, the world is a funny place as they say.

Your girlfriend joins your company - Oh damn, now thats gotta hurt. You can't have the funny chats with your friends at the water-cooler, you can't flirt around with that beautiful chick and your girlfriend is gonna make sure that every one knows that you ain't single anymore.

Last resort - Now that things suck so much, you think about shifting to another company, you go attend an  interview and just when you were thinking that you saved your ass, you find that you are being interviewed by your boss's wife.

'P.S Feel free to try them and share your experiences'


  1. I hit the "next blog" button on my blog and here I am. From what I see here so far, it looks like you are going to have a good and funny blog. If you don't mind, I'm going to tag along. Thanks...
    Patrick Tillett, Extremely Overdue

  2. Yeah Pat and am new to blogging and this is so much fun :)
